The Call: Neglected Kindle — Cheryl

I’ve suffered from my fair share of writer’s block, especially in college and when I worked as a newspaper reporter. Now, I’m faced with reader’s block, a condition in which you just can’t force yourself to pick up a book and read it. I generally get in a chapter or two of whatever is on my bedside table after I climb into bed, but during the day, when I actually have some time to read, I often find that I just can’t do it. It’s especially true for the books I’ve downloaded to my Kindle. After spending more time at the computer than I’d like each day, I find it very difficult to motivate myself to read more words on a screen.

The Response: Stack — Jessica

We’ve got all kind of blocks around here: wooden, plastic, cloth, creative, time… I had a severe time block today because of the surprise snow storm, the altered schedules and the impending family visit that requires a heightened degree of cleaning and other preparations.