The Call: Abandoned Nest — Jessica
This bird’s nest was once a cozy home for a mother and her brood. It kept the baby birds warm and sheltered when their parents flew off in search of food. It kept the family safe at night from prowlers and other dangers. And when the birds no longer needed it, it was abandoned. If only it were so easy for us to abandon ideas and beliefs that we have outgrown.
Suscipe, Domine, universam meam libertatem.

Response: Fine, They’re Yours Cheryl
When I saw Jessica’s word, “Abandon,” my mind immediately went to Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and the line: “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.” When the house is especially messy, I toy with the idea of hanging such a sign above my front door, but I’ve gone the messy house route before.
So, I turned my attention and my camera to the very large, very ugly hornworm devouring the tomatoes in my garden. I’ve drowned many of its ilk before, and I’ve almost done the same with this one, but something always stops me. We’re nearing the first frost. We’ve got more tomatoes (most still green) than we’ll eat, and while canning or freezing them appeals to my old-fashioned, romantic side, it isn’t likely to happen. Therefore, (at least for now), I’ve abandoned my murderous plans for this green thing and will let it live. I’m hoping it will thank me by turning into a cocoon where I can watch it, or at the very least, I’d like for it visit me next year as a fascinating hummingbird moth.
Wow, Jessica, your words “If only it were so easy for us to abandon ideas and beliefs that we have outgrown,” seem as if they were meant for me. Getting rid of all the negative stuff that has accumulated in my brain over decades is a near constant struggle.
I love that you linked to the prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola. I pray it every morning.
What another lovely serendipity! I was a bit afraid after I wrote that — hoping that it wouldn’t be mis-interpreted. You understood it exactly as I intended. Too many people, I think, abandoned belief when it begins to really demand things that aren’t so fun to give up. That was not at all what I meant.
I’m still fascinated by the hummingbird moth — I can’t believe how big it is in the larvae stage. It is a very pretty green….