The Call: The Art of Beatrix Potter — Cheryl

In recent years, Bridget and I have become fans of Beatrix Potter’s art and life. She was a fascinating woman. We’ve enjoyed the movie, Miss Potter (starring Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor); the interactive book Beatrix Potter: A Journal (pictured here); and of course, the Peter Rabbit stories. I am now reading Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature by Linda Lear and look forward to delving into At Home with Beatrix Potter by Susan Denyer.

The Response: Shenandoah Farmland — Jessica

I did a lot of the driving today on the final leg of our trip back home — and it was some of the prettiest scenery of all. It wasn’t until my husband and I switched that I was able to pull out my camera a snap a couple of pictures of the landscape as it went by at 70mph. I’m sure that if I blew this up large, it would be blurry beyond use. But it is lovely. And making more lovely pictures (art) is something that I really want to do in the coming year. You could almost say it was a New Year’s resolution.

Happy New Year!