The Call: Every Year Cheryl
I know the bulbs are down there. I planted them myself. I know that I’ll get a flowerbed full of tulips each spring. It doesn’t matter. I still get astonished and giddy every time one of them opens in the morning sunlight.

The Response: Rain — Jessica
It always astonishes me how much a grey and rainy day saturates the greens. The grass is greener, the trees are greener…if I had to live somewhere rainy, as long as it was green, I think I’d be okay.
(And just for fun, I took the clarity slider all the way up to 100 in Lightroom. Which made me think of the amps that go to 11.)
Beautiful tulip! They are one of my favorites and ours are all gone now. I don’t have any in my yard, even though my MIL once planted over 50 of them. The deer finished them off completely after the second year. : (
That green is incredibly rich. I love it.
I’m sort of surprised that we don’t have a problem with deer eating our flowers, but I guess they manage to get enough in the woods all around us.