The Call: Instruction Manuals — Cheryl

I’ve discovered that I like to learn on my own, taking my time, following rabbit trails, picking up a book and dropping it for something else a few chapters later. This modus operandi is one of the reasons I feel compelled to buy books and seldom visit the library. When inspiration strikes, I want volumes at my fingertips. I’ve built a relatively decent collection of art books and magazines (these are just a small sample; I also own many volumes on the works of artists such as Michelangelo, Picasso, Degas and Wyeth), because I want to ground myself in everything art related: the basic techniques, the tools, the works of the masters, the works of other aspiring artists like me. Just as important as studying, though, is executing, and I’m trying to find more time to do just that.


The Response: Searching for Ground — Jessica

Today was Tommy’s birthday party. He choose Chuck E. Cheese (for the third year in a row). It’s not my favorite place in the whole world but the kids love it and they all have a great time. I don’t have to clean up when the party is over. And THAT is grounds for continuing to support them.