The Call: Snack Time — Jessica

Miss T

It’s a very odd thing –
As odd can be –
That whatever Miss T eats
Turns into Miss T.;
Porridge and apples,
Mince, muffins and mutton,
Jam, junket, jumbles –
Not a rap, not a button
It matters; the moment
They’re out of her plate,
Though shared by Miss Butcher
And sour Mr. Bate;
Tiny and cheerful,
And neat as can be,
Whatever Miss T. eats
Turns into Miss T.

— Walter de la Mare

Response: Dinnertime — Cheryl

Dinnertime at our house is loud, chaotic, often funny, usually includes food good enough to garner praise from at least one of the kids, and always late. The dinner bell usually rings around 9 pm.