I knew I shouldn’t have waited to take my shot until I got home from picking up the kids from school but I’m still not quite use to the early evening darkness. Thanks to daylight savings time and the approaching winter, the light fades so quickly from my living room. But I am grateful for what light there is and for the lovely flowers from a friend for my birthday. : )
Danny and I played follow the leader today with him holding my old D90 while I shot away with the Canon. He thought it was quiet hilarious and it was funny how he mimicked my actions. At one point I was laying on my stomach with the camera held just above the ground and so he got down on his tummy and was trying to hold the camera up to his face too but it was very heavy. ; )
I create many of my images from the nature surrounding my house, but that doesn’t mean that I actually step out into it. Most of the time, I shoot from the driveway or the road. There are too many things — just steps from the driveway — that could make me itchy, like poison ivy, ticks, wasps (there’s a nest on the ground about a foot from the edge of the grass), and other little critters.
Did I whine enough yet about how busy this week was? Because, if not, I’ve got lot’s more whining all saved up… In short, I was too busy to get a new photo today and so I’m recycling one from yesterday. This was a runner up shot but I didn’t want to convert to black and white because I really liked the way the blue light of the flash mixed with the orange light of the candle and the orange of the pumpkin itself.
Alex leaves tomorrow to return to UA and all the party stuff is over. Now to get back to work…