Yesterday’s still-life shoot convinced me that setting up the shot is worth the effort. Today, I decided to go with the vases. Over the years, Dennis has bought me many pieces of crystal. Two of the vases here were Christmas gifts from him; one was a wedding gift from a former co-worker. I chose these containers over the others, because the lines and angles etched in them caught my attention (and they’re my favorites).
I can’t help but think of Winnie the Pooh when I hear the word “bother,” so I took the easy route…
[Pooh notices that his black rain cloud disguise is failing and the bees are after him]
Winnie the Pooh: Christopher Robin, I’ve come to a very important decision: THESE ARE THE WRONG SORTS OF BEES!
This was the only drawing that I was given permission to share. Catherine has always drawn little pictures but in the last year she has really started to take it seriously and now reads and studies it whenever she gets a chance. And Instagram screen captures still count as a “shot,” right? (Please don’t tell me no, it was a busy day yesterday!)
I went back to the field of yellow flowers across the street from Wolf Trap today. It was windy and I managed to capture the movement of the flowers in the wind. It was amazing to watch the whole field of flowers moving like waves of water in the wind. I drive past this tiny little island of beauty almost every day. In the car, I’m blind to it’s real beauty.
Sweet Caddie is 14 years old, the cataracts in her eyes have left her nearly blind, and she can barely make it up and down the stairs, but she still gets excited whenever food is within sniffing distance, and she does not like to get left behind when I step out the front door.
Danny and I walked downstairs to let the dogs out. I found a pretty white flower from our neighbor’s bush
that had grown through our fence and began to snap a few shots of it with my phone. I half heard Danny walk back inside but kept photographing the flower. Then I heard the door slam shut and the little “clink” that meant he had turned the lock. He was now locked safely inside the basement while I was outside with my phone.
After a few minutes of telling him to turn the little button on the door knob he finally did it and I was able to open the door. It’s funny though, this kind of thing has happened to us with at least half the kids, and they always start out laughing and then get more and more upset as they can’t get to me. I was going to give him a few more minutes before I gave up and called 911.
Oh the joys of being a mother to young children! No wonder I’m so grey!