Call & Response

a photographic dialogue


The Call: Unmade Bed — Jessica

I use to religiously make the beds. I even trained my oldest to make his. But, as the years went on, well, it kind of fell by the wayside. It bugs me when they don’t get made, but I sometimes forget. I leave the upstairs and don’t ever get back up there until close to bed time. And then, what’s the point? Should my mother ever read this post, I will be in big trouble. ; )


Back to school

The Response: Back to School — Jessica

Monday. Not that we are in count down mode or anything…


The Call: Shades of Blue — Cheryl

The blue art supplies in my studio generally more of a workout than any of the others.


The Response: Me But Not Me — Cheryl

I can’t imagine that anyone would ever describe me as jolly. I’d like to think that I’m generally content, generally even-keeled, but certainly not jolly.


The Call: Jolly Ten Year Old — Jessica

Well, since school starts next Monday, I’m not sure he would consider himself jolly — especially since he is just now starting his summer reading assignments. But he is pretty jolly in general, and he was willing to sit and let me manual focus on his eye over and over and over again until I finally nailed it. I didn’t even have to bribe him. ; )


The Response: Where did it go? — Jessica

There is a little chipmunk that lives between the gate and the shed. Every time, EVERY TIME, we let the dogs out, they have to peek through here and make sure the chipmunk isn’t home. They so very badly want to “play” with him!


The Call: Where the Water Flows — Cheryl

Christo called this offering “a visual river of gold.” As I was meditating on this idea of “gates,” I learned that the Scriptures use the word gates 111 times and gate 222 times. Revelation passages speak of many pearly gates on top of the golden streets of New Jerusalem. The City of God will apparently be a visual river of gold. … We will be walking through gates, literally walking on a river of gold. On that day, metaphors will be replaced by the density of reality, the vision of hope unfurled into a true and lasting city. — Makoto Fujimura, Refractions


The Response: Dragonfly — Cheryl

Generally insects aren’t described as huge, but this colorful creature is quite large, as far as dragonflies go. It works for me, anyway. ; )


The Call: Quiet Pause — Jessica

I had a huge number of opportunities to take a photo of today’s call. There was my huge to do list, or the huge boxes we carried to the UPS store to send to Alex in Alabama. There was also the huge chocolate kiss from Hershey Park and the huge mess the little boys made when they pulled EVERY SINGLE TOY out of their toy box. But in the end, it was this small, quiet “found” still life that caught my eye with the bright evening sun blazing through the flower. It gave me a moment’s pause to look at its beauty. And that was huge.


The Response: Our Favorite Brand of Chocolate — Jessica

We spent the day at the sweetest place on Earth and just got back home around 11:30. So this will have to do!


The Call: Searching for the Answers — Cheryl

I don’t know how to brand myself as a photographer. I’m certainly not a wedding photographer and have no desire to be one. I did one senior pictures session and learned a lot, but I don’t think it’s something I’d want to specialize in. At this point in my life, I rarely have the patience for putting together a still life. Candid shots of people I love? I can do that, and have, but I find myself less inclined these days. Shooting images inspired by poetry felt right, but right now I don’t seem to have the focus. Perhaps someday I’ll find my niche. In the meantime, I guess I’ll keep studying and shooting.


The Response: Purple Boots —Cheryl

Skies were sunny today. We’re expecting rain tomorrow. Figures. These are Stella’s winter boots, the boots she should be wearing in the snow. You’re more likely to find them on her feet on a warm, sunny day in August.


The Call: Winter Storm Clouds — Jessica

Nature did cooperate a bit with the call today. It was dark and gloomy all afternoon long and when the wind began to pick up I thought I might get really lucky. Unfortunately though, we only managed a light drizzle despite all the signs. And even though it was dark and gloomy, the clouds were flat and boring. So, I went diving in my archives and found a picture that I could re-process and thus arrive at a new image. That counts, right?


The Response: Peaceful Sleep — Jessica

I’m not sure what it is but I’ve always loved to take pictures of the children when they sleep. Maybe it’s because it’s the only time they are still. But I think the pull comes from something deeper. When they sleep, it somehow becomes more obvious that they dwell in innocence. And there is something deeply attractive about that.