Call & Response

a photographic dialogue


Window Washers

The Call: Window Washers — Jessica

Well, I got lucky this morning. Tommy asked if he could wash the windows and now I have clean and bright windows letting in a bit more wonderful light. That is pretty unusual around here. ; )


The Response: Tiffany’s — Jessica

I’m always a bit undecided about how much I like a picture when I let Hipstamatic randomize for me. Sometimes I like it but I usually find it overcooked. Kinda like this one. But then again, it was about the only shot I took all day. So, here it is.


The Call: Energy in Floral Form — Cheryl

Everything about this post was decided at the last minute: the photo itself, the minor tweaking in Photoshop, the title, you name it.


The Response: Green Bubbles — Cheryl

This morning’s sunlight lit up Dennis’s new martini glass in the dish drainer, and it struck me as being opulent.


The Call: Pixie Sleeps on the Sofa — Jessica

Quite an opulent life for a dog, don’t you think?

Pet ownership offers a multitude of benefits for physical and emotional health. After a long and difficult day, nothing can compare to the unconditional love you receive from a sweet pet.

In fact, research has shown that pets can decrease both blood pressure and anxiety, and perhaps even boost immunity. Plus, they can help you find dates with a fellow pet lover. While you may feel like just another number in the big, wide world, to your pet – you ARE their world. When looking for the best cbd dog treats reviews for your little furry is a great way to learn more about a product.

Having a pet is tons of fun, but it’s also a lot of work. From regular exercise to a healthy diet, regular vet visits, training, and more, there are a lot of things to consider – and always something new to learn throughout your journey as a pet parent. Pet lovers turn to blogs for advice on health concerns, entertainment (adorable cat GIFs, anyone?), ideas for fun activities to enjoy with your pet, tips on traveling with pets, and just about any concern you might have as a pet parent.



The Response: One, Two, Three — Jessica

Sometimes it’s just fun to play scavenger hunt…


The Call: Three Yummy Cookies — Cheryl

“I have cookies, three yummy cookies, … but you may have one.” — Larry the Cucumber


The Response: Impermanent — Cheryl

The Poet’s Fate
by Thomas Hood

What is a modern Poet’s fate?
To write his thoughts upon a slate;
the Critic spits upon what is done,
gives it a wipe — and all is gone.


The Call: Pixie: The Photo Bombing Dog — Jessica

I was attempting to illustrate a point about flash set-up for one of my latest shots, when I was photo bombed by Pixie. I think she was really just after one of the cookies.



The Response: Maple Street — Jessica

If I had only taken one or two steps back, I think I could have fit the cut out letters of the sign perfectly with the back white wall space. That spatial relation thing can be dangerous though — I was already out in the traffic and only dared to take one shot!


The Call: Balloons in the Sun — Cheryl

Balloons generally make for good photos, but position them in relation to the sun, with the light shining through them, and the quality immediately goes up a notch.


The Response: The Right Tools for the Job

Dennis is about halfway finished with sanding the door to the back porch. While we have the dumpster for the mold room renovation, we’re working on improving other areas, too.


The Call: Queen Anne’s Lace — Jessica

I often forget that half of the subject in the frame can sometimes be more evocative than the whole subject.


The Response: In a Pinch — Jessica

We had a big summer evening thunderstorm come through tonight about the time that I had planned on going out to a field to gather up some Queen Anne’s Lace for today’s call. This is not quite the picture that I had in mind, but the stock was a nice “save” and I was able to get close enough for now. Tomorrow I’ll get that Queen Anne’s Lace…