The Call: Sanctification Through Daily Tasks — Cheryl
Years ago, when I was a relatively new mother, I read Holiness for Housewives (and Other Working Women) by Dom Hubert Van Zeller, and though I’ll never forget many of the lessons learned, I should try harder to be mindful of them. Here’s a paragraph from the book:
So it is idle for you to complain about the drawbacks to spirituality that you find in your particular vocation. There is nothing that you are up against that God has not given you the grace to surmount. You can, if you want, turn the monotony and drudgery and the distraction into an expression of love. For you to look down on the factory or the nursery or the office or the shop as being unworthy of sanctification is a snobbishness of the worst sort. Also it implies that you and God cannot bring about a supernatural direction to a work that is objectively neutral.
— Dom Hubert Van Zeller