I’m back in storytelling mode. Cheryl, I hope you are not just completely fed up with me! : )
I was looking through the LensScratch website the other day and spent a far amount of time going through the “Family” portfolios.
I thought Kristen Schmid‘s photos were interesting (although sometimes a little difficult to discern from a snapshot) but the thing that stood out for me was the visual display of the relationship between the father and son. And the fact that there were two people in the photos.
This week, I want to concentrate on doing that too. I think a lot of my “storytelling” images are of a single person or single object. Introducing relationships among the characters would add more dimension to the story. That is something I want to explore.
By the way, here is an interesting book: the Craft & Vision series is a great bargin and I always learn something new. Not bad for five bucks.