The Call: Paris — Jessica
I was very lucky to visit Paris as a child. My father was in the army and we were stationed in Munich at the time. That giant Eiffel tower made a huge impression on my six year old self. So did Versailles for that matter.
I was lucky twice and got to go back again as a young adult, fresh out of college. We were only there for a day layover as we waited for an early morning flight to Africa but we still got to walk around and eat incredible food.
I would like to see Paris again someday — but my real dream is to go to Rome.

Response: Golf Grip Cheryl
Luke, my firstborn, started swinging a golf club shortly after he started walking at nine months. Before he turned two, Dennis was taking him to the driving range. Until he was 8 or 9, Luke had his grip switched around, holding the club with his right hand on top. Every now and again, other driving range patrons would ask Dennis about it, saying, “When are you going to teach him to do it right?” Dennis always responded, “He’ll figure it out when he’s ready.” Luke was ready at age ten, when he was pleased to discover that switching hand positions gave him more distance. Now, my boy is nearly 17, nearly an adult. He has become an outstanding golfer and an outstanding young man. I pray that he continues in these trajectories.