The Call: Happy Birthday, Tommy! — Jessica
Today he is an authentic six year old — accept no imitations!
(We don’t normally run around without shirts. He requested waffles for his special birthday dinner and then spilled some sticky syrup on himself.)
Response: Tilt-Shift Imitation Cheryl
A few months ago, I discovered tilt-shift photography and thought, “Maybe someday, I’ll get a lens.” Then, a few days ago, one of my Flickr contacts posted a tilt-shift photo. When I commented on the technique, he mentioned that he achieved the tilt-shift effect with the diorama filter on his Olympus camera. Well, guess what! My new Olympus E-5 has the diorama filter, but using it on closeups left me scratching my head about its effects. Today, I tried it out in the “city.” I’m not completely satisfied with this shot or the others I took today, but given the right subject, I think it will get me great imitations of photos I would need an expensive lens (or lots of time in Photoshop) to achieve otherwise.