The Call: Screens — Jessica
Our family has a love/hate relationship with technology. We are all more hooked on our tiny screens then I care to admit. But at the same time, it is also the medium through which we maintain relationships and develop friendships with our distant family and friends.
It is a mixed blessing.

Response: A Handwritten Note Cheryl
In third grade, Anne and I became friends. She got married when we were juniors in college, and I was her maid of honor. A few years later, she walked down the aisle as my matron of honor. Now we don’t see each other often enough, but still keep in touch.
Linda is Anne’s older sister. Growing up, I was always a bit awed by her and her life in “faraway” New Hampshire. She’s still in New Hampshire (which no longer seems at all far away), and I’m back in Maine. Thanks to the technology that gives just about anyone access to the internet, Linda and I have grown into friends in our own right. We regularly correspond via email, share favorites through Pinterest, and even shared tea and muffins and great conversation here, together with my kids, back in October. The joy of receiving a handwritten note in the mail, though, is something special, and the one I received today from Linda put a big smile on my face.