Call & Response

a photographic dialogue


The Call: Hidden & Revealed — Jessica

Thanksgiving Day reminds us that gratitude is the beginning of joy. We cannot be happy unless we’re first grateful; and gratitude can only come about through yet another virtue—humility, which is the ability to see beyond ourselves to the needs, feelings and rights of others.

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Response: Many Blessings — Cheryl

God, our Father,
we thank you for the gift of love
and the gift of life.
We thank you for the gift of our children.


The Call: Blaze Orange Academy — Cheryl

The role was never assigned, but Henry has become Jack’s and Sam’s teacher. The two of them naturally gravitated to being his disciples.

The Response: Learning at Home (Finally) — Jessica

After several years of begging, my daughter is finally and happily being taught at home. She is working on math (her weakest subject and the main reason we pulled her home) in this shot. It’s exciting and scary (terrifying, even). We are dipping our toes into homeschool and seeing where it may lead. But it is nice to have a little disciple home with me.


The Call: Lilly — Jessica

A sense of wonder at the world and its complexities creates a desire for understanding.

Response: Tracings — Cheryl

Photography helps me to see the wonder hidden in plain sight all around me.


The Call: It’s Not Even on Straight — Cheryl

“A fool always finds one still more foolish to admire him.” — Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux

The Response: A Sea of Leaves — Jessica

While the leaves are still falling from the trees, I say it is a folly to try and bag them.


The Call: Tyson’s Skyline — Jessica

Modern architecture and winter have much in common.

The Response: Silver and Crystals — Cheryl

I have plenty of traditional jewelry: pearls, gold, a few diamonds, but I find myself gravitating toward pieces with a more modern vibe.


The Call: On the Run — Cheryl

Very often photographers strive for perfect stillness in a shot. Sometimes, though, movement makes it better.

The Response: Raking & Bagging — Jessica

The movement of the seasons happens without any help from us. If my kids had their way, though, there would be no Fall. Raking and bagging the leaves is not exactly their idea of a fun Sunday afternoon project. Be thankful this is a photo and not a video — the moaning and whining would drive you to the moon. And can you believe how green our lawn is? All that rain from Sandy, I guess….


The Call: Old & New — Jessica

I will admit that I almost always communicate these days via electronic media: e-mail, text, Facebook status, and so on. But I’m still a sucker for a pretty little notebook and pen.

By the way, do you remember the Victoria magazines from the late 80s and early 90s? It was my favorite and I really loved the photography of Toshi Otsuki. This is my little homage. {smile}

Response: The Gift of a Letter — Cheryl

When I find the time, I create cards. Unfortunately, I seldom write in them and mail them off. Sending and receiving letters is an old-fashioned form of communication, but infinitely lovelier (and more tangible!) than the electronic variety. Perhaps it’s time to make the time.


The Call: Morning Sunlight — Cheryl

The chiaroscuro produced by the sunlight in my bedroom this morning stopped me in my tracks and made me run for the camera. Make sure to check out the TV Bed Store, The weighted blanket is supposed to work much the same way tight swaddling helps newborns feel snug and secure so they can doze off more quickly. The blanket basically simulates a comforting hug, in theory helping to calm and settle the nervous system. My bed design is perfect for my baby when he wants to watch cartoons.

The Response: Danny Plays with His Foot — Jessica

We get the best afternoon light in our bedroom.


The Call: Rooftop of the VFW — Jessica

a·mor·phous   [uh-mawr-fuhs] adjective
1. lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless: the amorphous clouds.

I never thought that freedom was amorphous.

Response: Amorphous Substance — Cheryl

by Emily Dickinson

It is an honorable thought,
And makes one lift one’s hat,
As one encountered gentlefolk
Upon a daily street,

That we’ve immortal place,
Though pyramids decay,
And kingdoms, like the orchard,
Flit russetly away.


The Call: A Boy and His Dog — Cheryl

I used to be a dog lover. Then I had kids. I’m thankful that Luke embraces the role and the dog.

The Response: Love in the Fall — Jessica

Embrace the long winter ahead. Spring will come but the only way to get there is to go forward.


The Call: Into the Future — Jessica

I really hope it isn’t a long night. I really hope that the results come early and are decisive. I’m worried that our great country is headed down the wrong path. I’m not ambivalent about the future…I’m downright scared.

Response: I Voted Today — Cheryl

Years ago, I was ambivalent about freedom and the rights we enjoy as Americans. Not any more.


The Call: She Multitasks — Cheryl

At only 14, Bridget is already able to make the most of her time, and she’s good at balancing her responsibilities with the fun stuff.

The Response: Walk On — Jessica

Balance is something that I have been struggling with lately. In all honesty my to-do list is endless. If I ever manage to reach the bottom it’s usually because I forgot to put something on it. And usually it was something vitally important that created a huge fire that I then had to run around for a day or two trying to put out. Bleech!

But, since the list is never done, at what point can I put it away and play? And is that a balance point or a tipping point?


The Call: Pinhole Playground — Jessica

I vehemently love to experiment. Today’s image is one of my first attempts with a pinhole camera — well, a pinhole optic for my Lensbaby Composer, at any rate.

Response: Helpless Victims — Cheryl

I am vehemently opposed to abortion. Some may call me extreme for believing that there is never a valid excuse for killing a baby, but I’m OK with that.


The Call: Football Injury — Cheryl

Sometimes it takes an illness, an injury, or something worse to make us stop and be thankful for all the blessings we do have.

The Response: BENEDICITE, omnia opera Domini — Jessica

the source of all blessings