The Call: Dew Drops on Roses — Jessica
Today was the Worldwide Photowalk. I was lucky enough to participate in a walk at the botanical garden down the road from my home.
While it was nice to wonder around the beautiful grounds with my camera gear, it was freezing cold and after about 10 mintues my toes had gone numb. But the light was gorgeous and there was steam rising from the three ponds.
I really wanted to capture something of the contrast between the chill morning air and the warm morning sunlight. But it takes more than just desire. It also takes more than just technical skill. It requires patience and thoughfulness. Two things that I have in very short supply.
After I got home and was able to review the photos, I realized that there were about three or four that would have been so much better if only I had paid more attention to the placement of the subject. I thought I was going slow and really trying to think before I clicked. I only took 149 photos during the two hour walk. And for me, that’s not a lot! But it was still not slow and precise enough.
So, my new photographic goal (since I desire to improve) is to slow down further still. Visualize the scene, really walk it and look at it with my eyes and MIND before putting that camera to my eye. Sometimes the camera blocks more than it reveals.

Response: Real Pizza Cheryl
I have been gluten-free for 10 years (after figuring out I have celiac disease); Dennis for 7; the kids for 6. Generally, I’m satisfied with the food I can eat, but once in a great while, I desire a real pizza — with pepperoni and tomatoes — from the Wazee Supper Club, 15th and Wazee, Denver.