The Call: Six Iron, Five Iron Cheryl
Luke started walking the day he turned nine months old. He started swinging a golf club within nine months of that. His handicap is now 0.3. Luke is passionate about golf. He loves the challenge of mastering a sport that always throws something new at him. He loves the learning opportunities that each loop presents. He loves working to play a better round than the last one, every single time he goes out on the course.
The Response: Passion is Red — Jessica
Red is my favorite color. To me, it is also the color of passion, of intensity, of energy. Tonight we drove through the Christmas (oops, I mean “holiday”) lights at the local park. After spending 30 minutes in traffic to get it, we made it through in only 20 minutes. The little kids liked it and it was nice to just be out doing something all together again.
Great composition on that one Cheryl! I can’t imagine what it must be like to parent a child who is so passionate and intense about something. It seems like all his hard work is paying off too. : )
So that’s the inside of Big Blue. It looks roomy. I’ve always loved driving around and looking at Christmas lights. Holiday lights? I could care less about those. ; )