Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: graves


Not Erased by the Ravages of Time — Cheryl “Many of those who have spoken before me on these occasions have commended the author of that law which we now are obeying for having instituted an oration to the honor of those who sacrifice their lives in fighting for their country. … I shall therefore […]

Grandeur, Dignity, Power, Rebirth

First Response: Beauty at the End of Earthly Life — Cheryl In every age the Church has called upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the […]


The Call: Remembering Souls — Cheryl The study of history fascinates me, but it’s not the big events, the legendary battles or significant court cases that capture my attention. The individuals who, while simply living their lives, dared to stand up for justice or freedom or someone who just needed help; found themselves in the […]