two siblings playing on computer

The Call: Computer Team — Jessica

Teams form naturally in a large family. Certain kids will tend to hang together and (more comically) form alliances to get things that they want. Usually it’s the younger set versus the older set. Although that isn’t always the case. I’ve had the little kids come to me to argue the case that their older siblings deserve Monsters for having babysat them the previous evening. And with six siblings to choose from, teams are pretty fluid.

The teams that I appreciate the most are the big kid/ little kid ones. Because they help me out the most too. I can’t tell you how much time I spent battling Pokemon when my oldest got his first gameboy. Now that job goes to the next oldest kid. Just think about all the great skills the older ones are learning. At least that’s what I tell myself when I start to feel guilty. : )

Response: Practice for Adulthood — Cheryl

I have to agree with Jessica. The members of my family make a great team, each individual stepping up to the plate whenever necessary. It was even the case when our family consisted of only three or four individuals. Whenever I was at wit’s end with a toddler and needy baby, my husband had all the patience in the world. On the days when he needed space, I was more than happy to step in and see the game through to the end — so to speak.

I find the reaction of others to my large family rather amusing. When people learn I have six kids, they often exclaim, “You’ve got your hands full! I don’t know how you do it!” I generally smile and point out that it’s not terribly difficult since my kids aren’t all toddlers. The older ones are amazing with the younger ones: playing with them; feeding them lunch; reading them stories; keeping their eyes on them when we’re all out and about.

I’m very thankful that I play the game of Life on a big team and have come to realize that I like it much better than the individual events.