tea and notebook

The Call: A Quiet Moment — Jessica

Sigh. A quiet moment, alone, in order to think. Not plan, not organize, not study, just think. Those moments are rare. And the rarer they become, the more I find myself running scattershot through the day.

That’s my list of upcoming words, by the way, so don’t peek!

A woman helps her son learn to read

Response: The Lesson — Cheryl

My husband and I started homeschooling when our oldest was four. That was twelve years ago. Now, we can’t imagine putting kids in school. It’s about so much more than learning facts and figures, doing well on tests, memorizing “important” dates in history. It’s about growing and learning together as a family, and that includes learning how to think, not what to think. William Butler Yeats is credited with the maxim that says it best: “Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.”