This weekend is our school PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year. It’s part junk sale, part carnival, part restaurant/bar and it really does raise a good amount of money for the school. So, being a good school parent I am doing my part today by baking brownies for the bake sale. Six sticks of butter and one dozen eggs later, my kitchen is a mess! But the good news is that I managed to whip up three batches of the best brownies EVER all while my 3 year old was at preschool. Truth be told I only needed to make two batches. But then I sure would be sad tonight remembering all that fudgey chocolate goodness and not one single one to have with a cold glass of milk!

Did you know that brownies prefer to be cut when they are warm? Me either. At least I learned that for the second batch. Oh well, ugly brownies still taste good, right?

I also spent some time putting together labels for the brownies since they have to be individually wrapped for the bake sale. Do you like it? Here is a link to a .psd file that you can download and alter the words to fit your baked goods! Enjoy!