Sure they’re cute and cuddly. And sometimes they’re pretty funny. But one thing is sure, they don’t care one whit about your blog or giving you the time to work on your it. So how do you go about creating, maintaining and promoting a blog with small kids underfoot?

I’m an expert in small kids!

After four years of on-again/off-again work on this little blog I’ve discovered the secret. And I’m going to let you in on it because I really don’t want to be selfish and keep all this wonderful knowledge for myself. So, are you ready? You may want to pin this page — this is REALLY good stuff!

1. Be flexible: Schedule some time in the morning to get work done. The earlier the better. When the baby wakes up ten minutes after you get started, don’t be upset, just stop and put it off until later.

2. Be flexible: An hour before lunch put on the TV so you can have ten minutes to schedule those tweets. When the kids begin to surround you demanding to be fed, don’t be upset, just stop and put it off until later.

3. Be flexible: When the last kid is finally tucked in bed, you have plenty of time to get a few posts in the que and edit some pictures and catch up on the other blogs you follow and fav a few shots in flickr and…zzzzzzzz. (Ouch! That keyboard can sure be painful!)


See? Wasn’t that totally worth the pin? Brilliant advice from a mother of seven (which makes me an authority!) An authority in what? Don’t ask me…I’m just trying to stay awake! (And get my tongue out of my cheek)