Yesterday afternoon, the little boys and I took a hot and muggy hike to the creek at the back of our neighborhood. It always amazes me that, a mile away from dense urban development, this place exists. Sunfish and minnows swim in the water and blue heron stand motionless above them (until excited little boys scare them away). While I wasn’t able to get any photographs of animals in their element, I was able to get many shots of little boys in their element — mud and water!
The majority of the photographs were taken with the Lensbaby Edge 80 lens.
- Leaving the playground to go on our hike.
- Jumping to the other bank
- Jumping over the rocks in the creek
- Exploring on the sandy ridge
- all the green
- Skipping stones
- in the clearing
- muddy legs and shoes = fun!
- drenched batman
It sure looks like it was a wonderful afternoon, Jessica!
I love those muddy legs! 🙂