While I had my head down, busy in a pile of work, winter flew in.
The dogwood tree in the front yard (right outside my desk window) was still full of red berries this morning. This afternoon the birds discovered them. It’s picked clean now — only the bare branches are left.
But at the end of each twig, there is a tiny bud that holds next spring’s flower and next fall’s red berry.
I think this blog is coming to an end. It’s hard to know when to part ways. It’s been over four years now; on again, off again, erratic blogging, pointless dreaming, meandering thoughts all intertwined with photos and art and growth.
Inside this blog is the seed of what lies next. But for that seed to germinate it must move off of this space and onto some new, inchoate field.
So, for now, peace. I will let this space lie dormant.
Looking forward to seeing your next project Jessica.