
ONE more day! And then the middle kids are out of school too. Life may slow down a bit again. Or it may not. I hate to jinx myself with such certain comments like, “Life may slow down a bit.” Sure enough as soon as I say that I will have a slew of doctor’s appointments and playdates and birthday parties and such that will keep me driving around town and making last minute runs to Target.

Now I have to come up with things to do with the kids to keep them from spending all summer behind the glowing screens. I’ve already informed them that any computer time will be contingent upon first completing all fact drills from XtraMath. My ears are still ringing from the joyful noise that accompanied that news.

I did find this cute little graphic that I will probably use to help us plan out the weeks’ activities.

Our first “Make Something Monday” will be next week and making slime is number one on the agenda. The pre-schooler’s a science teacher sent home a recipe after their last class and he has been on my case to make it since then. Just need to locate some borax…

Thanks to Instagram, I’ve gotten my photo mojo back and am ready to pull the “big girl” camera out from the bag. I’m looking forward to taking a lot of day trips this summer and taking lots of lovely pictures of the natives in different surroundings! We have so much to go and do in the DC area and I have been very negligent in getting the kids out to do it!

That is the sum total of our summer plans. We are going to be flying by the seat of our pants. Wish us luck!