Now I am revealing new things to you
Things hidden and unknown to you
Created just now, this very moment.

Looking for a bit of creative inspiration on Amazon the other day, I came across The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom by Christine Valters Paintner in between all the Zen and Tao of photography books. Not that there is anything wrong with those books, but I still feel like I have oceans of depth to plumb in my own Roman Catholic tradition before I go wandering around to the others and so I was excited to see something in that genre that was based on Western (specifically Benedictine) monasticism.

Coincidentally (serendipitously?), it happened to be the book of the month at Patheos. The Anchoress even gave it a positive review! The more I read ABOUT the book, the more I wanted to give it a try. So I got it and set to work. Now that I’ve finished week one, I thought I would share a little bit about the journey so far.

I am six months pregnant with my seventh child. That’s me in the photo. The text above, from Isaiah, was the suggested reading for the lectio divina portion of the week. Being pregnant, it’s pretty easy to associate that reading with a child, new life. But it’s a bit more of a stretch to see what it has to say about creativity.

After a week of meditating, it speaks to me of stopping and listening. I’m so often running around — putting out fires, surrounded by activity and noise and yes, sometimes chaos — that it becomes almost impossible to hear. This reading tells me that to make art that is deeper and more meaningful, I need to stop and listen for quieter voices that are coming from far below the surface.

And for those joining from Kim’s Texture Tuesday party, here is the layers palette. I finally remembered to grab a screenshot! : )