Jul 5, 2012 | things photographers say...
Curate. The word seems to be popping up everywhere I turn these days. The idea is powerful: someone finds the good stuff and shares it with others who have an interest. After all the human brain is more powerful than any Google algorithm and can find things of value...
Jul 5, 2012 | photography
Did you have a nice Fourth? We had one of the most relaxing ones ever. We did absolutely nothing. I made hotdogs for lunch and grilled hamburgers for dinner. Easy peasey. Later in the evening my husband took the three little ones out to watch the fireworks. The bigger...
Jul 4, 2012 | just everyday
We lost our power late Friday night. I went to sleep confident that it would be back on in the morning — sure those were some powerful gust of wind knocking around those trees in our backyard but, c’mon, the storm was over in about 30 minutes. Morning...
Jun 29, 2012 | photography
Sometimes, when I look through the lens of my camera, I find myself catching my breath. Startled, as reality is transformed into something more. How could the mundane object in from of me suddenly become this swirl of light and color and motion? That moment of awe and...