Monday Catch-Up

Monday Catch-Up

What a busy weekend! My kid’s activities really took a toll on our time — the three year old had 3 birthday parties! It seems like everyone in his class is turning 4 at the same time! But they were fun and all the kids had a great time! I even got to take...
My feet, their shoes

My feet, their shoes

Trying my hand at the typical foot shot. But I thought I’d put a twist on it. Since they all came out of me at one point, their shoes are also a reflection of me (in a round-about kind of way). So here they are from the 15 year old’s 13.5s to the 10 month...
Reflections at Chuck E. Cheese

Reflections at Chuck E. Cheese

Because I had promised earlier in the summer to take them back a second time. Because, really, it’s not SO bad. Because my skinny little 6 year old who doesn’t eat anything, will eat their pizza. Because the next day they started school, for real (as...
Sunday Night Flickr Inspiration

Sunday Night Flickr Inspiration

1. E’ una Vita che ti Aspetto … , 2. Strawberries-and-Cream-copy-web-lensbaby, 3. playa, 4. Breakfast I was lucky to get to attend a lensbaby demo class/lecture at the local camera store on Saturday and got to play with a composer and several of the...