In the Dark with Photography

In the Dark with Photography

And, oh boy! Is it ever dark! Do you want to know why I choose July to experiment in night photography? 1. My kids don’t have to get up early to be anywhere this month and 2. it’s warm outside. I hate the cold so you would never find me out at night in...
Texture Tuesday — Better Late than Never!

Texture Tuesday — Better Late than Never!

Oh Texture Tuesday, how I love you! I love Kim’s lovely textures and it’s always a bit of fun and challenge to come up with something new. Plus it gives me a reason to experiment! And I do love to experiment when I have the time. So, the baseball shot was...


I picked up a bouquet of sunflowers at Costco last Friday and have been getting a lot of mileage out of them for the 365. But I think today’s shot is my absolute favorite. Something about the rich red and gold tones just makes me swoon! This is quite an...
Textures for the Taking

Textures for the Taking

My son had been asking me to take a picture of his dog, India, that he could use as a wallpaper for his ipod. Well, here is the result. I think it was a little over-processed for his taste but I’m quite happy with the result and will be submitting this to the...
A 365 Resuscitation

A 365 Resuscitation

Welcome, June! So long, May! Please don’t bother to come back again. You’ve definitely out worn your welcome… Why must every school year end like this? Parties, concerts, picnics, field days, sports parties, band and choir competitions, teacher...
Lensbaby Newbie? 5 Quick Tips to Getting Started

Lensbaby Newbie? 5 Quick Tips to Getting Started

Over the last couple of years the Lensbaby family of selective focus lenses have increased in popularity with many photographers. The bendable lens really lets you “see in a new way.” However, since the Lensbaby contains no electronic parts, it can’t talk to your...
Texture Tuesday — Back with 2 Tips too!

Texture Tuesday — Back with 2 Tips too!

I’m not much of a gardener and I tried in vain to find a funny/cute quote about not liking to garden. Distressingly it seems that there are only positive garden quotes. Oh well. The picture is my daughter’s watermelon seedling from her science class....
Day Lilies Must Mean Summer

Day Lilies Must Mean Summer

Whew! What a month! May is still causing me lots of grief — class parties, sports team parties, band and choir concerts, etc. I’m sure you know the drill, too. I just wish the school year would hurry up and end. I’m ready for summer! And right on cue...
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

… a little early — but I’ve got lots to do to get ready so I thought I better get this out now! Have you heard about French Kiss Textures yet? I just discovered Leslie Nicole and her lovely site the other day. I was so taken with her camellias that I...
Dogwood Spring: Texture and a Tip for Tuesday

Dogwood Spring: Texture and a Tip for Tuesday

We finally had a beautiful sunny morning and as I was sitting at my desk drinking coffee, I noticed how striking the white dogwood blossoms were against the bright cloudless sky. I used the lens baby to selectively focus on the one branch and add a nice blur to the...
A Flash A-ha Moment

A Flash A-ha Moment

A favorite toy from when my oldest was little… I was reading through Strobist Lighting 102 and decided to try some of the exercises he had. Wow! Did you know that the closer the flash is to the subject the less light will go to the background? I didn’t...
Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

Every April in the DC area, bare brown branches suddenly burst into color and everywhere you look the trees have turned into pale pink clouds. It really is breathtaking and one of things that I have enjoyed most about living up here. I still miss my bluebonnets and...